2021 Points Results
The Points competition is an annual event with 7 any age classes being held at selected advertised venues throughout the year. These venues include 5 stock shows and are published in the fancy press and club publications. The winner of the most points in one year will hold the Pop Tester Trophy for the following year. The class is described on the schedule as Orange or Fawn Members Points A.A.
Points are allocated as follows: 1st – 8 points; 2nd – 7 points, 3rd- 6 points; 4th – 5 points, 5th – 4 points; 6th – 3 points, 7th – 2 points. Unplaced exhibits are awarded 1 point for each of the first 3 shows entered. If a member has more than one exhibit entered, the highest placed exhibit only is eligible for the points allocation. A member who is ineligible to show because of judging a stock show is awarded one fifth of their accumulated place points over the full year. Any money accumulated from the points classes is divided between the members with the highest support for the six shows.
Points are allocated as follows: 1st – 8 points; 2nd – 7 points, 3rd- 6 points; 4th – 5 points, 5th – 4 points; 6th – 3 points, 7th – 2 points. Unplaced exhibits are awarded 1 point for each of the first 3 shows entered. If a member has more than one exhibit entered, the highest placed exhibit only is eligible for the points allocation. A member who is ineligible to show because of judging a stock show is awarded one fifth of their accumulated place points over the full year. Any money accumulated from the points classes is divided between the members with the highest support for the six shows.