The Breed Standard
Orange & Fawn Rex Breed Standard
Orange & Fawn Standard Rex
Ring Size E Points:
1) Fur 40
2) Type 20
3) Colour and/or Markings 40
Total 100
1. Fur
To be approximately 1.27cm (1/2in) in length. Fine silky texture free from harshness and woolliness, intensely dense, smooth and level over the whole body, of a lustrous sheen, firm and plush like character, devoid of projecting guard hairs.
2. Type
Well proportioned and graceful carriage, the body sloping gently up to well rounded quarters set on strong hind legs, medium bone. Head bold and broad, ears erect and to be in proportion to body, dewlap should not be excessive, eyes and toenails should preferably match the body colour.
3. Colour and/or markings
Saddle deep rich orange carried well down the sides gradually shading to white belly. Colour to go well down the fur, undercolour to be white. Eye circles, inside of ears and underside of jowl white. Chest to match flanks. Face and outside ears to match saddle.
FAULTS: Ticking, barred front feet and brownish tinge, blue undercolour.
Saddle to be a bright golden fawn without any trace of creaminess, carried well down the flanks, gradually shading to a white belly. Colour to extend down the fur as far as possible, clearly defined white undercolour. Eye circles, inside of ears, jowl and underside of tail to be white. Chest to match flanks, head, outside of ears and forepaws to match saddle.
FAULTS: White hairs, blue sheen on coat, bluish or brownish tinge on points, bluish undercolour, very heavily barred feet.
The ideal weight for a standard Rex to be 2.72-3.62kg (6-8lb).
There is no weight disqualification for any age Standard Rex rabbit.
Narrow wedge head, drooping ears, bare pads (patches on feet being devoid of fur, but skin unbroken), thin or curly triangle, white hairs on coloured coats, lack of density, harsh, wavy, woolly or curly coats, adults over or under weight.
Ill health, putty nose, white patches, crooked legs, excessive dewlap, sore pads (where skin is broken or scabbed), specked, wall or odd coloured eyes.
Orange and Fawn Mini Rex Breed Standard
An Orange Mini Rex
The Mini Rex Rabbit is intended to be a standard Rex Rabbit in every way possible except in size. It should be judged to the general standard of the Rex in all its various colours with the exception of size, which shall be approximately half that of the Standard Rex.
Ring Size B
1) Fur 40
2) Type 20 Ora
3) Colour and/or Markings 40
Total 100
1. Fur
To be approximately 1.27cm (1/2in) in length. Fine silky texture free from harshness and woolliness, intensely dense, smooth and level over the whole body, of a lustrous sheen, firm and plush like character, devoid of projecting guard hairs.
2. Type
Well proportioned and graceful carriage, the body sloping gently up to well rounded quarters set on strong hind legs, medium bone. Head bold and broad, ears erect and to be in proportion to body, dewlap should not be excessive, eyes and toenails should preferably match the body colour.
3. Colour and/or markings
Saddle deep rich orange carried well down the sides gradually shading to white belly. Colour to go well down the fur, undercolour to be white. Eye circles, inside of ears and underside of jowl white. Chest to match flanks. Face and outside ears to match saddle.
FAULTS: Ticking, barred front feet and brownish tinge, blue undercolour.
Saddle to be a bright golden fawn without any trace of creaminess, carried well down the flanks, gradually shading to a white belly. Colour to extend down the fur as far as possible, clearly defined white undercolour. Eye circles, inside of ears, jowl and underside of tail to be white. Chest to match flanks, head, outside of ears and forepaws to match saddle.
FAULTS: White hairs, blue sheen on coat, bluish or brownish tinge on points, bluish undercolour, very heavily barred feet.
Weight: Adults to weigh between 1.700-2.041kg (3.3/4- 4.1/2lb)
Under 5 months to weigh up to 1.700kg (3.3/4lb)
FAULTS: As for Standard Rex.
DISQUALIFICATIONS: As for Standard Rex, weights outside the limits above and any rabbit with Netherland Dwarf features.
Ring Size B
1) Fur 40
2) Type 20 Ora
3) Colour and/or Markings 40
Total 100
1. Fur
To be approximately 1.27cm (1/2in) in length. Fine silky texture free from harshness and woolliness, intensely dense, smooth and level over the whole body, of a lustrous sheen, firm and plush like character, devoid of projecting guard hairs.
2. Type
Well proportioned and graceful carriage, the body sloping gently up to well rounded quarters set on strong hind legs, medium bone. Head bold and broad, ears erect and to be in proportion to body, dewlap should not be excessive, eyes and toenails should preferably match the body colour.
3. Colour and/or markings
Saddle deep rich orange carried well down the sides gradually shading to white belly. Colour to go well down the fur, undercolour to be white. Eye circles, inside of ears and underside of jowl white. Chest to match flanks. Face and outside ears to match saddle.
FAULTS: Ticking, barred front feet and brownish tinge, blue undercolour.
Saddle to be a bright golden fawn without any trace of creaminess, carried well down the flanks, gradually shading to a white belly. Colour to extend down the fur as far as possible, clearly defined white undercolour. Eye circles, inside of ears, jowl and underside of tail to be white. Chest to match flanks, head, outside of ears and forepaws to match saddle.
FAULTS: White hairs, blue sheen on coat, bluish or brownish tinge on points, bluish undercolour, very heavily barred feet.
Weight: Adults to weigh between 1.700-2.041kg (3.3/4- 4.1/2lb)
Under 5 months to weigh up to 1.700kg (3.3/4lb)
FAULTS: As for Standard Rex.
DISQUALIFICATIONS: As for Standard Rex, weights outside the limits above and any rabbit with Netherland Dwarf features.